"It is a sobering time for the world’s most fragile countries—virulent economic crisis, countless natural disasters, and government
collapse. This year, we delve deeper than ever into just what went wrong—and who is to blame. " -
Now, Nigerians on Facebook react to their country’s No 15 ranking on the 2009 Failed States Index
Stanley Achonu: i'm not surprised. we did well then
Ogobor Joseph: we will get it right only if the youths toll a new line from corrupt ways
Chibz Chukwunta: #15 is bad, there's no doubt about that. On the brighter side, it could be worse...change is coming, the revolution has begun...It's not a change that is going to occur overnight. Now, more than ever, Nigerians at home and in the disapora are on one accord--CHANGE!That, my friend, is the beginning...
Yese Micheal: Trust oga Musa- e go follow due process take us to the ''promise land'' a land flowing with cowbell and sugar
Onyeka Nwelue: Who's the arse that does the ranking?
Nwanbundo Onyeabo: good question Onyeka...
Akins Olatoyosi: Almost every day, we seem 2 get this kind of awards, it is not for us to say whether it is true or not, it is 4 us 2 take action so as to get out of this evil rank. We can all start to make Nigeria better from individual. Let begin to build then we shall build an ARK so that when the flood comes, we would all be safe.
Justin Chiddy Uzuegbunam: No matter how bad the country is, we must begin to see and say its strengths rather than continue to say bad about it. Yes we need change, but talking this badly about this country won’t inspire anybody to do good. I think it’s time we begin to talk like people with vision and not like people in a corrupt state of mind that senses only the evil around them. My people PLEASE, Build on our strength, not the weaknesses.
Q’dance Onikeku: Really? wow we are doing unbelievably well. i thought we should be around the top one... lol
Francis Akeredolu: dis is another corruption in disguise...how can we be 15 wen we re actually 1st? na
Ahonsi Iwebafa Gift: ranking 15, is like a child dat took 15th positn in a class of 30, and excitedly ran to his dad & showed him d report card, d dad was about commending him when d mom told him dat it was bcos d other 15 pupils didn't sit for d exams। so automatically he is last.
Phemmie Hardebolar: ha!! na lie o, we are number1!!!
Lee Ozwald Bronzeky: Not surprising at all!!